Multithreading sounds like turbo charging. Does it speed
up a program?
In the modern computers with multiple cores,
multithreading does speed up a program, as the threads are picked up by
different cores. Nonetheless, speeding up
a program is not the primary purpose of multithreading. Additionally,
multithreading will slow down the actual program execution time because the
overhead of creating, registering and maintaining a separate thread and also
jumping between the threads will add to the execution time.
Then why do we use multithreading?
We use multithreading when both of the following
conditions are true:
We anticipate that a function is going to take a
long time to execute. Let’s call it LengthyFunction().
We want the main program to remain responsive to
requests even while LengthyFunction() is executing.
How do we use multithreading?
Multithreading involves just 2 steps:
Make a Thread instance
out of LengthyFunction, say Thr.
Start the Thr.
Sample Code
Namespace needed for threading:
using System.Threading;
private void LengthyFunctionThroughAThread() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunction);
// Step 2
Believe it or not, that is all that is needed to make a
program multithreaded.
When a thread is created, as in step 1, the CPU creates
a separate area for executing the function.
When the thread is started, as in step 2, the CPU gives
half the process-allotted-time to the main program and half to the thread. The
process-allotted-time itself is in milliseconds, so that half the time away
from the main program is not palpable and therefore, the main program appears
The above process is
described to explain the concept. Nevertheless, it is not very far from the
actual execution process.
The CPU takes only a few nanoseconds to create a thread,
or manage a list of threads or jump between the threads. Let us magnify these
times to 1 second each, in order to understand the concept better. Also, let’s
assume LengthyFunction takes 10 seconds to execute normally. In
this case, this is how a non-threaded and a threaded operation will look like
on a single-processor machine:
Non-threaded operation
The main program is available.
is called.
starts running.
0:01 to 0:11
The main program is not available for any other
finishes running.
0:11 onwards
The main program is responsive/available after the
LengthyFunction() has finished running.
Threaded operation
Execution on main
Execution on thread
The main program is available.
is called.
A thread for LengthyFunction()
is created.
Separate thread created.
The Start()
method is called on
the thread.
starts running.
0:02 onwards
The main program is responsive / available.
0:02 to 0:23
The CPU gives half the time allotted to the
process, to the main program.
Managing the time between the threads delays the
execution time of LengthyFunction().
is running in a separate thread.
The CPU gives half the time allotted to the
process, to the LengthyFunction() thread.
finishes running.
0:23 onwards
The CPU gives the time allotted to the process,
completely to the main program.
So, although creating a separate thread delayed the
completion of LengthyFunction(), the main program
remains responsive throughout (available
to be acted upon). Obviously, a user able to work with a responsive application
and getting the result of his action in 22 seconds will be happier than a user
forced to look at a frozen application for 10 seconds.
Once the scenario of multiple processors kicks in, the multithreaded
application may take less than 13 seconds to get the complete processing time
for the main program. But as mentioned earlier, multiprocessing is not the
focus of this chapter.
A function can be called via a thread only if it
conforms to one of the following two delegates:
Thread delegates
void FunctionName ( )
void FunctionName ( object Obj
As a matter of fact, the Step 1 in the sample code is a
shortcut for:
ThreadStart DelegateForFunc = new
Thread Thr = new Thread(DelegateForFunc);
Well, a function usually does something based on some parameters.
It usually gets a parameter from either
a field or property of its class,
or its argument
Obviously, the use of a class field does not call for
something special in the creation of a thread. Its use is inherent in the
How is an argument sent to a threaded function?
The following two observations will make the process
As you can see from the table of the Threaded operation, when a thread is
created, the underlying function is just marked for execution at a separate
place. The function actually executes only when the Start()
method is called on the Thread. Therefore, the argument to a function is passed
via the Start() method.
Just as creating the thread for a function which
runs without a parameter uses ThreadStart delegate,
the thread for a function which runs with a parameter uses the ParameterizedThreadStart
delegate. Looking at the signature of this delegate, we make two sub-observations:
The underlying function can only have one
This parameter can only be of type object.
So, if the function expects an int or any
other type, it must cast this parameter to that type in its body and then work
with it.
These observations have been made only to clarify the
concept. As far as the code is concerned, there is not much difference as we
can see by comparing the following sample code with the basic one.
Sample Code
private void
LengthyFuncWithParamThroughAThread() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFuncWithParam);
// Step 2 – Pass the argument
private void
LengthyFuncWithParam(object Obj) {
// Cast the parameter into the type that is
string Param =
(string) Obj;
// Use the parameter
Multiple Parameters
The restriction that only one parameter can be passed
to a function called via a thread poses a challenge when we want to pass
multiple parameters. We circumvent this restriction with one of the following
Method 1: Class fields or properties
This is a no-brainer. We simply add as many fields or
properties to the class as the parameters that we expect to send to the
function. We set these fields before calling the Start() method
of the thread.
Sample code
// Class fields
private string sChk;
private int iStat;
private void LengthyFunc_ParamsFromFieldsThroughAThread()
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunc_ParamsFromFields);
// Argument Step – Set the class fields
this.sChk =
this.iStat = 1;
// Step 2
private void
LengthyFunc_ParamsFromFields() {
// Use the class fields as parameters
ParamCheck = this.sChk;
int ParamStatus
= this.iStat;
// Use the parameters
The restriction that the
parameter of the function to be used via a thread is of type object
can be used as a boon. Basically, this restriction means that we can pass any
argument to the function since every type inherits from object.
Since the value-types are boxed inherently on being used as an object,
even they do not pose any challenge. We will use this boon in methods 2 and
Method 2: Separate class for parameters
In this method, we first create a class and make the fields
or properties of this class corresponding to the parameters that the function
requires. Before calling the Start() method
on the thread, instantiate this class, set the fields or properties of this
instance and pass this instance to the Start() method.
In the threaded function, we cast this parameter to this class, thus using its
fields and properties as expected parameters.
Sample code
// A separate class
containing the parameters
public class
LengthyFunctionParams {
public string
public int
private void
LengthyFunc_ParamsFromClassThroughAThread() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunc_ParamsFromClass);
// Argument Step – Instantiate the separate
LengthyFunctionParams LFP = new LengthyFunctionParams();
LFP.Check =
LFP.Status =
// Step 2 – Pass the argument
private void
LengthyFunc_ParamsFromClass(object Obj) {
// Cast the Obj parameter as the separate
LengthyFunctionParams LFP = (LengthyFunctionParams) Obj;
// Use the fields/properties of Obj to
obtain the parameters
ParamCheck = LFP.Check;
int ParamStatus
= LFP.Status;
// Use the parameters
Method 3: Parameters in a collection or array
In this method, we use any collection (Hashtable,
ArrayList, DataTable, DataSet
or even the generic HashSet, Dictionary,
etc.) or array.
Basically, we keep inserting parameters into this
collection and pass this collection to the Start() method.
In the threaded function, we cast the parameter to the chosen collection type.
Then, we cast them into the appropriate types and then work with them.
Sample code
private void
LengthyFunc_ParamsFromIEnumerableThroughAThread() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunc_ParamsFromIEnumerable);
// Argument Step – Fill up any IEnumerable
HTblArgs =
HTblArgs.Add("Status", 100);
// Step 2 – Pass the argument
private void
LengthyFunc_ParamsFromIEnumerable(object Obj) {
// Cast the Obj parameter as the expected
HTblParams =
// Retrieve the parameters from the
ParamCheck = (string) HTblParams["Check"];
int ParamStatus
= (int) HTblParams["Status"];
// Use the parameters
Return Variables
You may want a threaded function to return something
once it finishes its task. Since the delegates available to us return void,
how do we return something? The possible solutions are the same as for multiple
Use the class fields or properties as return
variables, or
Use an instance of a separate class having fields
or properties which can be used as return variables, or
Add return variables to a passed collection.
In other words, nothing
special is required.
Not so fast
Observe that the above possible solutions are the same
as returning something from a function which returns void.
Nevertheless, multithreading poses an issue different from a void-returning-function.
In a non-threaded operation, the main program waits
till the called function finishes and then works with the return variables.
In the threaded operation, on the other hand, the main
program can start working on the return variables as soon as the function has
been called via a thread. This is not desirable. Most likely, the threaded
function is still working on the return variables. If it were quick to return
these variables, we would not have to use threading at the first place.
To work around this situation, we use one of the
following two methods.
Method 1: WaitHandle
Basically: wait
for a signal from the threaded function.
Here are the steps we follow:
Create a class-level instance of one of the many
child classes of WaitHandle. These classes act as
signals and provide us with at least one method to give the ON signal and one method to give the OFF signal. In the sample code, we create
an instance of the child class AutoResetEvent.
Let’s call it ARE.
Set the signal ARE to OFF before calling the threaded function.
In case of an AutoResetEvent, it is done by calling
the Reset method.
In the main program, where we want to work with
the return variables, wait for the signal to turn ON. This is done by using the WaitOne method.
In the threaded function, set the signal to ON when the function is ready to return
the variables.
Sample Code
// Class Fields
// Parameters
private string sChk;
private int iStat;
// Return variables
private string sRet;
// Signal
private AutoResetEvent ARE;
private void
LengthyFunc_WaitHandleThr() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunc_WaitHandle);
// Argument
this.sChk =
this.iStat =
// Step a) Create the signal
this.ARE = new
// Step b) Signal OFF
// Step 2
// This function
can be called at any time
private void
UseReturnVariables_WaitHandle() {
// Step c) Wait for the signal to turn ON
// Use the return variable(s)
private void LengthyFunc_WaitHandle(object
Obj) {
// Use the parameter(s) and set the return
this.sRet =
this.sChk + " returns " + 2 * this.iStat;
// Do other
things which make the function lengthy
// Step d) Signal ON
Method 2: Callback
Basically: make
the threaded function execute the function which needs to use the return
variables. This involves a few steps:
Create a function that will use the return
variables and make the return variables as the parameters of the function.
Let’s call it UseReturnVariables. This step is not
shown in the Sample Code.
Create a delegate with the same signature as the
As one of the arguments to the threaded
function, pass the function via the delegate. We have done this using the class
In the threaded function, retrieve the delegate,
just as any parameter.
At the end of the function, invoke the delegate,
passing the return values as its arguments.
Sample Code
// Step b) Delegate
with the expected return values as parameters
// inside or outside of the class
public delegate void ReturnVarsHandler(string sReturn);
// Class Fields
// Parameters
private string sChk;
private int iStat;
// Return
private string sRet;
// Delegate to the function which uses the
return variables
ReturnVarsHandler ArgFunc;
private void
LengthyFunc_CallbackThr() {
// Step 1
Thread Thr =
new Thread(LengthyFunc_Callback);
// Argument
this.sChk =
this.iStat =
// Step c) Setup the delegate to the
which uses the return variables
// just like setting up other arguments
this.ArgFunc =
new ReturnVarsHandler(UseReturnVariables);
// Step 2
private void
LengthyFunc_Callback(object Obj) {
// Use the parameter(s) and set the return
string sReturn
= this.sChk + " returns " + 2 * this.iStat;
// Do other
things which make the function lengthy
// Steps d and e) Retrieve the callback
and invoke it with the return value(s)
this.Invoke(this.ArgFunc, new object[] { sReturn });
The delegate has not been
called directly as this.ArgFunc(sReturn);. It has been
called using the Invoke function. Basically,
introducing the Invoke runs the underlying function
on the main thread. Without Invoke, we
will not be returning the variables but only using them. If we did not want
to return the variables, we might as well have called the function UseReturnVariables
Why go back?
A natural
question that now arises is that why should we wait for the thread to finish
when the whole point of multithreading is the freedom from this wait. There are
various scenarios in which this is desirable:
The function that started the thread is different
from the function that expects the return variables from the thread. The second
function may be called when a user is finished working on other areas of the
application and is now ready to wait for the return variables. We will see an
example in the section Concurrency.
The main function itself may be a long running
program and by the time it finishes, it wants the return variables from the
thread. To an experienced developer, this would make sense when the threaded
function mainly waits for (a) response(s) from some outside application(s).
In the section Return
Variables, we saw the issue of a parent and a child thread concurrently
trying to work with the return variable. We now generalize the issue to
multiple threads concurrently trying to work on the same variable(s). This is
called Concurrency.
We look at the two commonly used solutions to this
issue: lock and ReaderWriterLockAsync.
Let’s say a variable is to be used by various threads.
In all the functions, just before this variable is going to be used, we lock
it. When the function has finished using the variable, it unlocks it.
Initially, a thread comes to one such function; it
requests the CLR to lock this variable for it. The CLR does that, and the
thread starts working with the variable. While the first thread is still
working with this variable, another thread tries to use the same variable.
The second thread may or may not have the same
underlying function. Since we have followed the rule of applying the lock to
the variable before using it, in all the functions, this thread requests the
CLR to lock the variable for it. But since the variable is already locked, the
CLR is unable to do so and makes that thread stand still at that point of its
function. When the first thread finishes its work with the shared variable and
requests the CLR to unlock it, the CLR does so. Then, the CLR locks the
variable for the second thread and it continues it execution. Similar to the
first thread, once the second thread finishes working with the variable, it requests
the CLR to unlock it, to which the CLR obliges.
We lock a variable by using the keyword lock,
followed by putting that variable in parentheses. This is followed by a section
of code in braces. The closing brace automatically unlocks the variable.
In the following sample code, three functions try to
work on two datatables. All these functions are called via threads, so we may
have the issue of concurrency. The lock mechanism solves this for us, as
explained above.
Sample Code
// Class fields
DataTable DTblWork, DTblWorkDone;
// Class constructor
public frmSync() {
this.DTblWork =
new DataTable();
= DTblWork.Clone();
private void
MimicGettingWorkRequests() {
while (true) {
// Mimic
that a work request came in at a random time
Random()).Next(2000) + 1000);
string sDt
= DateTime.Now.ToString("MMyyddmmHHss");
lock (this.DTblWork) {
} // End of lock (this.DTblWork)
private void
WorkOnRequests() {
while (true) {
lock (this.DTblWork) {
if (this.DTblWork.Rows.Count
> 0) {
DataRow DRowWork = DTblWork.Rows[0];
Say the work takes 3 seconds to complete
lock (this.DTblWorkDone) {
} // End of lock (this.DTblWorkDone)
} // End of lock (this.DTblWork)
Note: Make the IsBackground property of the threads
Because of the current workload, the work on teaching
modules has been suspended indefinitely. This particular teaching module is incomplete as well.