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Configure the resources to connect to a PI Server (a NoSql database) without sending explicit credentials




History. 3

Introduction. 4

Terminology. 6

Using PI machine authentication for PI-API calls. 8

Install PI-API. 8

PI Tags. 8

Application Name. 9

IP Address. 9

Trust 9

Connect from application. 10

Using PI windows authentication for PI-OleDb calls. 12

Establish a WAD account 12

Share Credentials with WinServerAdmin. 14

Share Credentials with PiServerAdmin. 14

PI Tags. 14

PI Identity. 15

Dummy PI User 16

Install PI-SDK.. 16

Install PI-OleDb. 16

Connect from application. 18

Appendix A: Run a Windows Service as a particular user 19

Specify that a user will run this Windows Service. 19

Installation. 20

Permissions. 21

Exception. 21

Appendix B: Run a Web Application or a Web Service as a particular user 22

Encrypted Credentials on Registry. 22

Registry Permissions. 24

Folder Permissions. 26

Impersonation. 27

PDF in separate window


First Draft – Nov 25, 2009


Base Document – Dec 7, 2009


Edit 1 – Dec 9, 2009

  1. Put PI-SDK installation before PI-OleDb installation for more clarity.
  2. Gave details about the PI System Management Tools.
  3. Explained creation of PIIdentity.
  4. Removed Install Application step from the Using PI machine authentication for PI-API calls section.

Edit 2 – Dec 14, 2009

Added Exception to the Using PI windows authentication for PI-OleDb calls section

Edit 3- Feb 23, 2010

Updated the Appendix B: Run a Web Application as a particular user for ASP.Net Framework 2.0.

Update the title of Appendix B to Appendix B: Run a Web Application or a Web Service as a particular user.

Edit 4 – Dec 21, 2011

Updated the Encrypted Credentials on Registry action of Appendix B.

Edit 5 – Aug 8, 2013

  1. Updated the Encrypted Credentials on Registry action of Appendix B.
  2. Updated the Registry Permissions action of Appendix B.
  3. Updated the Folder Permissions action of Appendix B.

Edit 6 – Nov 26, 2013

  1. Updated the Trust action of the Using PI machine authentication for PI-API calls section.
  2. Updated the Encrypted Credentials on Registry action of Appendix B.
  3. Updated the Registry Permissions action of Appendix B.
  4. Updated the Impersonation action of Appendix B.



The motivation of this document came from the fact that System Operations forwarded a notification from NERC as follows:

Recently NERC put out a "CIP: OSIsoft PI Enterprise Server Authentication" Industry advisory that stated the following (part of it):


"The ES-ISAC and ICS-CERT strongly encourage users of PI Enterprise Server configure authentication via PI Trust records, which is not affected by this vulnerability. All types of PI Trusts avoid the exchange of unsecure PI passwords. The newest PI Enterprise Server version (3.4.380) if configured with the default authentication settings is not affected by this vulnerability. It is recommended that these users verify server authentication policy is set to “explicit login disabled”.


Various options were tried to move the Development applications and tools from the explicit credentials to the machine or the Window ID trusts. Here is a table summarizing these efforts:








Pi menu

Machine Trust





Auto Connect





Get data




Pi menu

Windows Authentication





Auto Connect





Get data



DIS Extract


Machine Trust





Trust machine


IP trust, not machine trust, because "ping <machinename>" does not seem to work from the PI Server.



Connect but no login



DIS Extract


Windows Authentication


Known issue - from OSI

DIS Extract


Machine Trust


OSI Odbc component not updated - Logged PLI 21257OSI8

DIS Extract


Windows Authentication


OSI Odbc component not updated - Logged PLI 21257OSI8

DIS Extract


Machine Trust


Known issue - from OSI

DIS Extract


Windows Authentication





Install SDK





Install OleDb





Setup Windows Authentication





Test using Excel DataConnection Wizard


Try twice


The options which resulted in a failure were logged with the OSI Soft Inc. The options which succeeded were further refined to be used for Production. This document gives the details of these steps.



Programmer working with the PI-API or PI-OleDb.


A component which is used by the PIAPIWrapper to communicate with a PI server.


It is possible that Pi-SDK is needed to make the PI-API to work. This hypothesis or its negation has not been tested yet. In case of any issue, please refer to the PI-SDK and PiSdkInstallationKit in this section.


An installation kit containing the PI-API.


At the time of writing of this document, the installation kit containing the latest API version is PI Buffer Subsystem Install Kit, Version 3.4.375.84, Release Date 21-Sep-09. It has the PI-API version


The application used to quick test the connection of PI-API to the PI Server.

Usually, it is C:\Program Files\PIPC\bin\apisnap.exe.


A universal OleDb data access provider component to access a Pi Server.


Also note that PI-SDK is needed to use the Pi-OleDb.


An installation kit containing the PI-OleDb.


At the time of writing of this document, the installation kit containing the latest PiOleDb provider version is PI OLEDB Provider Install Kit, Version, Release Date 13-Jul-09. It has the PI-OleDb version


A windows application to test the connection from WinServer to PiServer using the Pi-OleDb provider.


It is usually installed as a part of the PiOleDbInstallationKit. This application is usually opened by double clicking C:\Program Files\PIPC\OLEDB\Tools\PI OLEDB Tester\PIOLEDBTester.exe.


A component required to make the PI-OleDb work. Although it is called an SDK, it also serves the PI-OleDb component. In other words, PI-OleDb will not work without PI-SDK being installed on the same machine.


An installation kit containing the PI-SDK.


At the time of writing of this document, the installation kit containing the latest PiSdk version is PI SDK Install Kit, Version, Release Date 25-Mar-09. It has the PI-SDK version


The PI Server, which is to be used, for example,


The administrator of the PiServer.


PI tags which will be accessed by using PI-API.


This is an application containing the PI System Management Tools.


At the time of writing of this document, the latest PiSMT version is


Windows Active Directory


The administrator of the Windows Active Directory.


The machine which will run the Windows service or application that will be sending the PI-API requests to the PiServer.


WinServer is just the short form of the Windows Server. This term will also be used for the server that will host web applications.


The administrator of WinServer.


Using PI machine authentication for PI-API calls


Install PI-API

Install the PI-API on the WinServer, using the PiApiInstallationKit. Please refer to the Terminology section for details about this kit.




PI-API is installed on the WinServer


  1. Open a command window on the WinServer
  2. Run apisnap <PiServer>, as shown:


Getting the message: Enter tagname: denotes success.


Please refer to the Terminology section for details of the PiApiSnap application.


PI Tags

Provide the PiTags to the PiServerAdmin. Also provide the access level required for each tag.




The PiServerAdmin has the PiTags, along with the access level for each of them.



Application Name

Provide a 4-character string, uniquely identifying the application, to the PiServer.




The PiServerAdmin has the application name.


IP Address

Provide the IP address of the WinServer, to the PiServerAdmin.




The PiServerAdmin has the IP address of the WinServer.



Create Trust for the machine-application combination using

  1. The IP address of the machine given by the WinServerAdmin.
  2. The application name given by the Developer followed by the character “E”. Say, the developer gave the application name as DISN. Then, the application name entered in the Trust should be DISNE.
  3. A PI User or PI Identity having the access to the PiTags same or greater than those required by the developer.




Trust for this machine with the application is created. The application can now access the tags as required.


Connect from application

Use the following syntax to connect from the application:

PIAPI32.piut_connect( <string: application name> )

PIAPI32.piut_setservernode( <string: server name> )

For example:






The application will connect to the server


Check the Network Manager Statistics in the PiSMT. An entry with this application name, IP, the PI user to which the Trust was mapped and the Trust name will appear.




Using PI windows authentication for PI-OleDb calls


Establish a WAD account

Establish an account on the WAD, with the following settings:

  1. User must change password at next logon is unchecked.
  2. Password never expires is checked.
  3. Account is disabled is unchecked (for WAD 2008, in the Account Expires section, the radiobutton Never should be chosen.).

For reference in this handbook, let’s call this user CONED\IrPiElectric and let its password be DumPwd768.




This is how it will look in WAD (just observe the options since the author does not have access to the WAD and got this image from the internet):



This is how it will look in WAD 2008 (just observe the options since the author does not have access to the WAD and got this image from the internet):




Share Credentials with WinServerAdmin

Provide the newly created username and its password to the WinServerAdmin




The WinServerAdmin has the newly created username and its password.


Share Credentials with PiServerAdmin

Provide the newly created username (but not its password) to the PiServerAdmin




The PiServerAdmin has the newly created username.


PI Tags

Provide the PiTags to the PiServerAdmin. Also provide the access level required for each tag.




The PiServerAdmin has the PiTags, along with the access level for each of them.



PI Identity

Take the following steps to create a PIIdentity:

  1. Open PiSMT.
  2. Log onto the PiServer.
  3. Go to the Security group of PiSMT.
  4. Click on the Identities, Users and Groups section.
  5. Click the PiIdentities tab. Create a new PI Identity. Map this identity to the WAD account, provided by the WadAdministrator.
  6. Provide this PiIdentity the access to the PiTags same or greater than those required by the developer.

This is how it will look like:




Trust for this WAD Identity is created. The application can now access the tags as required.



Dummy PI User

Provide the credentials of a dummy PI user to the WinServerAdmin to test the installation of the PI-OleDb. This user should be able to access the PiServer.


Note: A PiUser is different from a PIIdentity.




WinServerAdmin has the credentials of a dummy PI user.


Install PI-SDK

Install the PI-SDK on the WinServer, using the PiSdkInstallationKit. Please refer to the Terminology section for details about this kit.




PI-SDK is installed on the WinServer.


Install PI-OleDb

Install the PI-OleDb on the WinServer, using the PiOledbInstallationKit. Please refer to the Terminology section for details about this kit.




PI-OleDb is installed on the WinServer.

Test 1

  1. Open the PiOledbTester application. Please refer to the Terminology section for details about this application.
  2. In the login window that opens up, choose the server. To be sure that you are opening the correct server, go to the PiLogin.ini (usually in the C:\Program Files\PIPC\dat folder) and do the appropriate setup.
    A better alternative is to open the Connections in the PI menu in Microsoft Excel and check / setup the Connections appropriately. This is how the login window shows up:
  3. Enter the credentials of the dummy PI user provided by the PIServerAdmin. Hit the OK button.
  4. The PiOleDbTester application should open up. This denotes that the installation was successful. Any other window (error / warning / information window) means that the installation was not successful. This is how it looks like:

Test 2

  1. Log on to the WinServer with the credentials of the newly created WAD account.
  2. Carry out steps 1 and 2 from the last test.
  3. Check the Use Trusted Connection box. Hit the OK button.
  4. The PiOleDbTester application should open up. If the last test was successful, then opening up of this window denotes that the PiIdentity for the WAD account was established successfully. If the last test installation was successful, then opening up of any other error / warning / information window, at this point, means that the PiIdentity for the WAD account was not established properly.
    The PiOleDbTester application window is shown in the last test.

Note: If the last test was not successful, then carrying out this test is meaningless.


Connect from application

  1. The application should be run with the credentials of the WAD account created earlier. This is done in different ways. This is shown in the Appendix A: Run a Windows Service as a particular user and in the Appendix B: Run a Web Application as a particular user.
  2. Use the OleDb classes in the System.Data.OleDb namespace (OleDbConnection, OleDbDataAdapter, OleDbDataReader, etc.).
  3. Use the following code to create a connection to the PiServer:
    New OleDbConnection("Provider=PIOLEDB; Data Source=<Server>; Integrated Security=SSPI;")
    For example:
    New OleDbConnection("Provider=PIOLEDB; Data; Integrated Security=SSPI;")




The application will connect to the server


Check the Network Manager Statistics in the PiSMT. An entry with the name of the application, IP from where the application is being run, the PiIdentity that was created and the WAD account for which this PiIdentity was created will appear.



Appendix A: Run a Windows Service as a particular user


Specify that a user will run this Windows Service

  1. In the Project Installer, select the Service Process Installer.
  2. In the Properties section, make sure that the Account property is selected as User (it is the default).




This windows Service will now be run by a user. This user has to be specified at the time of installation. This specification can be changed later using the Services Snap-In in the Control Panel à Administrative Tools




At the time of installation of the Windows Service, provide the user, under whose account, the service should be run.

This can also be done from the Services Snap-In in the Control Panel à Administrative Tools.

Make sure that the domain name is prefixed to the username, as shown above.




The service will run as the specified user.




Allow Read & Execute permissions to this user to the folder and the files which contain the Windows Service. This is how it will look like:

On granting the Read & Execute permission, the List Folder Contents and Read permissions are granted automatically.


Note: The WAD account will have to be added to the Group or User names section. This is done by clicking the Add… button, entering the <WADDomain>\<WADUsername> (ConEd\IrPiElectric in our example) and clicking the OK button.




The specified user can now run the Windows Service.



A program using the PI-OleDb, when scheduled from SQL Server 2000 does not work.


The same program when ran from SQL Server 2005 worked. But in this case, a PI Trust was created for the machine and the user, rather than a PI Identity.


Appendix B: Run a Web Application or a Web Service as a particular user


Encrypted Credentials on Registry

The credentials that are needed by the web application should be stored at a safe location in an encrypted format. The following steps accomplish this task:

  1. Download aspnet_reg.exe from
  2. Run the file. It will ask for the folder where the files should be unzipped. Give the name of a folder different from the one into which the file was downloaded, say, C:\Tools.
  3. Open the command prompt and navigate to the above folder.
  4. Run the command to enter the username and password of the account under which we want to run the web application as:
    aspnet_setreg -k:<Subkey> -u:<WadDomain>\<WadUsername> -p:<Password>
    For example:




The credentials of the account are now in the registry, in an encrypted format.


  1. Click Start à Run
  2. Type RegEdt32.
  3. Press OK button. The machine registry should open up.
  4. Navigate to the registry subkey that was specified earlier. In our example, we go to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DIS\Identity\ASPNET_SETREG. In the Windows 7, 64 bit machine, the path is Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DISNG\Identity\ASPNET_SETREG.

If you are able to navigate to your subkey and see the password and userName entries, then the entries have been made correctly, otherwise this step failed.


Registry Permissions

This action can be skipped for Windows 7.


The registry should be accessible to the AspNet process. This process uses the machine AspNet account till it is impersonated as the account that we want it to run as. So the registry entries made earlier should be made accessible to the AspNet. We accomplish this with the following steps:

  1. Go to the subkey in the registry created in the last step, by opening up the Registry Editor and navigating to that subkey, as shown in the Test section of the last step.
  2. Right click on this subkey and click Permissions….
  3. Allow Read permission to this <MachineName>\AspNet account. This is how it will look like:
  4. Click the Apply button.


Note: The AspNet machine account will have to be added to the Group or User names section. This is done by clicking the Add… button and then entering the <MachineName>\AspNet (CeBxr3Vg1\AspNet in our example) and clicking the OK button.

In Windows 7 machine, the access needs to be given to <MachineName>\IIS_Usrs user group (CeBxr3Vg1\IIS_Usrs in our example).




The machine AspNet account can now access the user credentials.

For the Windows 7 machine, the IIS_Usrs user group can now access the user credentials.

In other words, any web application can now access these credentials.



Folder Permissions

The following permissions should be given to the user that we want to run the web application as:

Folder for dynamically compiled files:
installroot\ASP.NET Temporary Files

Full Control

Usual folder:
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files


C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files

Global Assembly Cache: systemroot\assembly


Usual folder: C:\WINNT\system32

Web Application Directory

Read & Execute

For the DISSln project: C:\Projects\DIS

Full hierarchy of .Net Framework

Read & Execute

Usually all files and folders under:


If we are using .Net Framework 3.5 and ASP.Net Framework 2.0.50727, the easiest way to do this will be to grant the permission to C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\

Any other folder which the web application accesses

As appropriate

For the DISSln project:
Full control is required for the C:\Projects\Dundas folder

Folder for supporting web services: systemroot\temp

Full Control

Usual folder: C:\WINNT\Temp

In Windows 7, this can be done simply by adding the user to the IIS_IUSRS user group.




The user should have the appropriate access to the folders.




Specify that the web application will run with the impersonation credentials specified in the registry subkey that we have made. This is done by putting the following entry in the Web.config file of the web application:

<identity impersonate="true"


password="registry: <subkey>,password"


This entry must be made under the <system.web> section. Here is an example:




This section sets the authentication policies of the application. Possible modes are "Windows", "Forms", "Passport" and "None"


<authentication mode="Windows" />

<identity impersonate="true"






<!-- OTHER system.web SETTINGS -->


<!-- OTHER configuration SETTINGS -->


As expected, the entry for a Windows 7, 64 bit machine with our example will be:




This section sets the authentication policies of the application. Possible modes are "Windows", "Forms", "Passport" and "None"


<authentication mode="Windows" />

<identity impersonate="true"






<!-- OTHER system.web SETTINGS -->


<!-- OTHER configuration SETTINGS -->





The web application will now run under the credentials given at the specified machine registry subkey.

email login